how to draw a bee

How to draw a bee – step by step

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to draw a bee. It will be a simple step-by-step drawing with which you will learn how to make a nice picture of this useful striped insect. It will not be a realistic drawing of a bee, but rather a cartoon version for kids. This drawing exercise will, therefore, prove useful in working with children – at art or during classes in kindergarten. Since this is a simple drawing instruction, even the youngest children can handle it.

Bee drawing – how to make?

To make a picture of a bee, you will need a clean sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser and colored pencils. If you have everything ready, you can proceed to the instructions on how to draw a bee below.

Time needed: 5 minutes

Rysowanie pszczoły – instrukcja krok po kroku dla dzieci

  1. Bee drawing – step one

    In the center of the sheet of paper, near the right edge, make a small circle, and in it, make two smaller circles for the eyes of the bees.jak narysować pszczółkę

  2. How to draw a bee – step two

    Make the antennae, mouth and pupils of the bee. Finally, use a larger circle to mark the body of the insect.uśmiechnięta pszczoła rysunek

  3. How to draw a bee – striped

    On the body of the bee, mark with lines the place where we will draw stripes. We will make a nice fluffy collar for the bee. If you take a close look at the bee, you will notice that it is very hairy and so down.pszczoła obrazek

  4. Wings and legs – drawing a bee

    Finally, make nice wings for the bees. They can overlap one another, it doesn’t bother you at all. Draw the legs at the bottom – make four lines ending with a small ball.obrazek pszczoły

  5. Bee – drawing for coloring

    The drawing of the bee is now ready. We can now proceed to the second stage. Take your colored pencils now and color your drawing.rysunek pszczoły do kolorowania

  6. How to draw a bee – ready drawing

    The colored drawing looks even better. You can also decorate such a drawing with a cut-out or cover it with colored plasticine. I wish you fruitful work.jak narysować pszczołę

It was an instruction on how to draw a bee. If you would like to practice drawing other insect drawings, also try How to Draw a Ladybug in a similar style to a bee. You can also draw a pretty butterfly from the How to Draw a Butterfly instruction, or a simple goldfish from the How to Draw a Fish instruction.