This guide will help you learn how to draw a pretty daffodil. Daffodils are beautiful yellow spring flowers that have a distinctive calyx surrounded by petals. They are not as difficult to draw as it may seem. With this guide you will draw a daffodil twice and be able to make nice spring drawings with the daffodil in the lead role. The drawing will be so simple that every child should be able to handle it. This way, you will learn how to draw flowers and other things yourself step by step.
As I mentioned, you can also draw other spring flowers if you want. In one of my previous posts, I showed you how to draw a rose. Draw it next to the daffodil and create your own flower arrangement or make a nice bouquet in a vase. If you want to learn how to draw other flowers, be sure to check how to do it in the post how to draw flowers in a vase.
Spring flowers – how to draw a daffodil
To proceed with the instructions, have a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser ready in case something goes wrong. Finally, you can color your drawing of the flower, so keep some crayons or felt-tip pens on hand.
Time needed: 5 minutes
Jeśli wszystko masz już przygotowane, możemy zaczynać rysowanie.
- Daffodil – drawing instruction
Start by drawing a little circle at the top center of the page.
- Drawing a spring daffodil
Make waves around the circle. On the right, draw a U-shape coming out of a circle.
- How to draw a flower petals
Wymaż kółko – w ten sposób powstał nam charakterystyczny kielich żonkila. Wokół tego kielicha dorysuj płatki. W środku zrób dwa pręciki.
- Drawing the stem
Now we will draw a flower stalk. Draw two parallel, slightly bent lines. Then mark the flower leaf at the bottom.
- How to draw a daffodil
Finish drawing the leaves.
- Daffodil coloring book
Your drawing is ready.
- A colorful drawing of a daffodil
Finally, take a yellow and green crayon and color your drawing.